jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019




🍴🌿🌽Cooking is an art, it is an art that if we know how to enjoy it, it will help us as if by magic to combine or mix foods or ingredients that are compatible with each other, and thus, create exquisite, healthy and striking foods; meals that will be converted with our magic and ingenuity, into attractive recipes to our eyes, delicious for our palate, and nutritious and healthy for our body.


Food should be combined by the degree of compatibility with each other, so that the body can unfold, assimilate and incorporate them more easily. In this way we give a true strength, health, beauty and well-being to all our valuable body.

A mental, emotional and spiritual food, just as well selected, we must put our body to complement it and in this way keep it 100% balanced.

🍲☯Cooking with conscience and feeding ourselves in a balanced and natural way helps us to save ourselves physical discomforts; like the illness, and having to visit the doctor because of a health imbalance (illness).

How nice it is to go back to the kitchen, to cook with this awareness of food made with art!


🍜🍈🍇Each food contains a mixture of exact components that make it irresistible and integral, and with a unique and / or particular flavor.

If man alters the natural creation of each food, this food will no longer taste the same, and will no longer be so particular, nor so healthy for the body. The natural is what has not been altered by the hand of man.

🌽🍝The most nutritious foods are those that man with SPIRITUAL CONSCIENCE KNOWS TO TREAT WELL, because he knows that they are magic or pure energy converted into elements transformed into food visible to the eyes, exquisite to the palate, and healthy for the body.

☯⚖Now with this wise information about the food that our mother earth produces, we are all going to eat with conscience, and to feed ourselves well, retaking or letting out the chef that each one has inside, so that in a nice and pleasant kitchen, we can make those rich, healthy and irresistible plates of food, to delight our palate, and that of the diners that we are now going to invite to feed with a meal made with love and spiritual awareness.

🍜🌿🍐LONG LIVE THE FOOD MADE WITH SPIRITUAL CONSCIENCE, AND GAIA; our mother earth that produces it to feed us well!

Let's all take care of Gaia (earth), and sow and cultivate with love, thus creating natural, nutritious foods with a great flavor.

🍀🍒🍲⚖Let's all go back to the FARM, where everything that feeds and nurtures our body is born, and we teach the farmers or peasants with our good example, TO SOW WITH LOVE AND WITH A SPIRITUAL CONSCIENCE, ALL THAT IS GOOD FOR OUR BODY AND THAT EMBELLISHES OUR CORPOREAL FIGURE.

💗⚖Let us teach everyone to love and respect Mother Earth, so that she only gives us food that nourishes, beautifies, brightens and motivates our hearts, to continue living and sharing this pleasant taste; The one about the food that she produces with so much love!


As an innovative company that we are, for us, it is important to take care of the environment.

We advise in a w
ise way how to do it

We teach the importance of taking care of the environment, so that the company grows and stays firm, thanks to this

Witten by: Company; Business Leaders, with Wisdom, Virtuous and Charismatic. 

We are leaders able to help or guide with our supreme wisdom so that each human being can take out or let flow his human quality, and thus create products and services from this state so natural in all. We work from the Values and Virtues that have each one, helping these values and virtues to emerge with ease thanks to our unique programs, exceptional methods, novel tools and our wise guide or orientation.

We are specialists and / or experts in creating beings with human quality, so that from there all obtain great gains in resources and personal development.

☯🌎⚖👼🏢We are a leading company with big ideas of vanguard, able to stand out your company between the crowd.

🏢⚖☯Company; Business Leaders and team of work, with Wisdom, Virtuous and Charismatic.

💗💞Los amo hijos benditos. Reciban de su Padre-Madre Yo Dios, mis  dulces abrazos, mis sonrisas y calidez de Dios.

Escrito por: Yo YinyangGod  Padre-Madre Dios. Hijos buenos, hoy yo Dios estoy vivo acá en la tierra entre ustedes para guiarlos con mi Gran sabiduría de Dios. 
Así es, hijos amados.

👼⚖Hijos míos, en este link puedes oír mi mensaje de  Yo Dios, es un mensaje muy lindo:

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